
A Wedding Surprise - Roasted Cauliflower

Invitation to a wedding in Ontario

Traveling is one of life's most enriching experiences. It allows us to immerse ourselves in new cultures, taste exotic cuisines, and create lasting memories. For vegans, exploring the world can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. But fear not, because with the right mindset and a few essential tips, you can embark on a fulfilling journey as a vegan traveler. In this blog, we'll explore how to be open minded with some preparations when traveling vegan.

Do Your Research

One of the most crucial aspects of vegan travel is research. Before you set off on your adventure, spend some time investigating your destination. Look for vegan-friendly restaurants, markets, and food options in the area. Apps like HappyCow and the forever faithful Google search on vegan restaurants in your travel location can be your best friends in this endeavor, offering valuable information about vegan eateries and phrases to communicate your dietary preferences in the local language.

Weddings can be a hit or miss!

In this case, I was invited to a wedding and requested a vegan meal option. As I have experienced in the past, a vegan option at a “not vegan” event can result in you being hungry after your meal. Usually because the meal was not well thought out by chef’s who may not be as familiar with veganism. With this in mind, I sometimes find it wise to pack some essentials like nuts, seeds, granola bars, and dried fruits to ensure you always have vegan options available. In this case, I opted to stop at a vegan friendly café, Cafe Pyrus, on our way to the wedding and got a very tasty Kale Salad and an equally tasty Vegetable Soup. Vegan restaurants are on the rise worldwide, and many cities now boast a thriving vegan scene. Seek out these restaurants in advance or ask locals for recommendations. Dining at vegan-friendly establishments not only ensures a delicious meal but also supports local businesses that align with your values.

Learn the Local Cuisine

Part of the joy of traveling is trying new foods. Embrace the opportunity to discover local vegan dishes. In many countries, traditional cuisines offer plant-based options like falafel in the Middle East, vegetable curries in India, or rice and beans in Central America. By immersing yourself in the local food scene, you can enjoy authentic experiences without compromising your values.

Communicate Your Dietary Needs

It's vital to communicate your dietary needs effectively. Most people are understanding and accommodating when you express your dietary choices politely. Upon entering the reception hall, following the wedding ceremony, the first hor’dourve presented was beautifully curated red squared food. Being a vegan, my skepticism kicked in… I asked the server, “What is that? I am vegan so it’s important for me to know.” Another server quickly informed me that it was Watermelon for me, the vegan. Wow! I quickly took one and it was delicious. It was cut in bite-sized squares with some type of spice sprinkled on top. I was then made aware that my main was a Roasted Cauliflower! I began salivating! Turns out I didn’t need to stop and get a pre-meal…

Dine at Vegan-Friendly Establishments

Dining at vegan-friendly establishments not only ensures a delicious meal but also supports local businesses that align with your values. The Arlington Estates in Vaughan, Ontario did not disappoint. My entire meal was beautifully and deliciously curated by their chef. In addition, the staff were excellent in ensuring my vegan card, signified by two carrots, was perfectly placed at my designated seat for a seamless service. My main was the Roasted Cauliflower with Broccolini, Asparagus, Carrots, Mashed Potato accompanied by a tasty sauce made with olive oil. My dessert was a beautifully presented Rice Pudding, with various Berries. Everyone at my table was in awe of my meal!

Stay with Vegan Hosts when possible and Respect Local Customs

Consider staying with vegan hosts or hotels that are vegan friendly when possible. This can be a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals and gain a deeper understanding of the local culture. I stayed with family who also catered to my vegan preference by making me the most authentic Sudanese falafel, hummus and split pea soup.

Support Ethical Tourism

In addition, I booked reservation with Avelo Restaurant in Toronto for their 5-course meal. They also have an 8-course meal for later in the evening. The restaurant is set in a Victorian heritage home in the heart of the city. The meal was absolutely delicious, the service was top-tier, and I highly recommend it. By supporting businesses committed to responsible and ethical practices, you can contribute to positive change while enjoying your travels.


Traveling as a vegan may require a bit more planning and research, but it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. By embracing the adventure with an open heart and mind, respecting local customs, and making conscious choices, you can explore the world as a compassionate and mindful traveler. Remember that your choices not only benefit your well-being but also contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world for all beings. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey that leaves a positive footprint on the planet. Happy travels!

Be adventurous… Whenever you get the opportunity to check out plant-based recreations of your favorite classics, go for it! Plant-based chef’s will surprise you!

