Food and Wellness


Cheryll is a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed in 2004. Her recovery was impacted by other medical conditions and side-effects from her cancer treatment. She made life changes and witnessed the transformative power of integrating various healing modalities that have improved her health. Cheryll is a wellness advocate and coach who has inspired a change in how others relate to food and it’s effect on one’s health. She believes that food heals and is motivated to share her journey to help other survivors and society at large.

Wellness has a real connection to food, what we choose to consume, and how it’s grown (conventional or organic). Making a conscious effort to choose organic foods is a conduit to being more mindful in all aspects of one’s life, along with making a genuine effort to be active. A combination of food, consciousness and movement support one’s overall wellness.

Cheryll is the author of “When All It Took To Beat Cancer Was Penny” written under the name Cherylle Gaye. It is available in paperback and eBook on Amazon at